We are delighted to announce that Lysosomal Storage Disorder (LSD) Patient Collaborative Group UK was the successful recipient of one of just eight Global Patient Leadership (PALs) awards from Genzyme. Out of 43 applications from 23 countries, the LSD Collaborative was the only UK organisation to receive an award for its ‘If You Hear Hooves it May Be a Zebra……’ A Medical Student Empowerment Project.
The UK LSD Collaborative seeks to improve diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases in the UK by educating and empowering the next generation of health care providers. Through the PALs project, the Collaborative will partner with 5th year medical students from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as the student-created London Society for Rare Diseases to support the development of rare disease societies across London’s medical schools. Other activities include the development of a website, toolkit, and speaker’s bureau.